Our Local Action Project team just returned from our conference in Saratoga! We worked diligently to develop ideas and strategies to support our new and non-tenured members, build our political capital, and design programs based on the needs, interests, and strengths of our fellow members. We can’t wait to share with you all that we’ve learned and plan to use to grow and strengthen our union.

Thank you to our members for participating in our survey in June. It was an exercise designed by NYSUT to demonstrate to the LAP team the use of surveys as a tool for communication. We’ll be working this year to improve upon our communication, both internally and with community members. One of our goals is to expand our social media presence as this will help us communicate as well as counteract any negativity. So please follow us on Twitter @ArdsleyACT and like our Facebook page!

Local Action Project Team:

Trish Soto – Chair
Jessica Baptiste
Janet Friedberg
Tara Peterson
Alyson Tina
Brysen Van Eck
Joan Deem – NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist


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